E10 - Checking your timetable health - March 2023

E10 - Checking your timetable health - March 2023

The following is a video recording of the webinar conducted on Monday 20 March 2023. 

The video includes information on checking your timetable health, looking at Helpful Tips, the Health Check, Setup > Subjects, Teacher data (F2), Teacher Allowances, Room data, Room areas, Subject teachers and Subject rooms.

Below the video is a document with frequently asked questions and answers. 


Q: Most of my class list clashes are for students who are being pulled out of one of their classes for one period per week. Is there an uncomplicated way to create this without the clash?
A: Occasionally students are placed into two classes that clash on their timetable for only one or two periods in the timetable cycle. We can allow both classes to show on their timetable, which will cause a clash whenever they are required to attend the more 'important class', or, Edval allows us to specify which subjects should take priority on their timetable. Refer to:  E10 - Priority classes

Q: Is it possible to fix a student clash with a class on the grid and a class off the grid by making the off grid class a priority?
A: Yes, Edval allows us to specify which subjects should take priority on a student's timetable regardless of it being an online or offline class. Refer to: E10 - Priority classes

Q: Is there a way to filter the Split classes by faculty in the Health Check?
A: No, but in Reports > Split classes you can filter by faculty.

Q: Can I confirm that you said Casual Teachers and Admin staff should be in Edval Daily not Edval? Our Admin staff is required to do yard duties... 
A: Only those staff members that will be allocated to classes as teachers, support staff or the Duty roster need to be added to the Teacher data table in the .etz file. Most schools do not add administration (office) staff to Teachers > Teacher data in the .etz file. Administration staff can be added to Edval Daily (if your school is licensed) for the purpose of keeping track of leave. However, in your case where administration staff is required to do duties, you could create an Admin faculty, add the administration staff to the table in Teachers > Teacher data and assign them to the Admin faculty. Additionally, you could manage the staffing of your duties to include / exclude the administration staff as relevant TeacherPref options for individual Duty areas in Teachers > Duty areas. 

Q: Can Edval publish a class list with the Study classes / periods for Year 11 and Year 12 students that can then be marked in Millennium or Sentral?
A: Yes, Edval 10 can publish Year 11 and Year 12 Study class lists to Millennium and Sentral.

Q: Can you place a class in a Specialist room for some of the periods in its timetable cycle?
A: Yes, you can use the Manage sub-classes feature in Class data to add sub-classes to hold the different rooms required. See: E10 - What is a ' class ' ? ( classes and sub-classes ) 

Q: How do I assign a Lab to a Science class for only two of the periods in its timetable cycle?
A: You would use the Manage sub-classes feature in Class data to add the Practical and Theory sub-classes for the Science class. The main (umbrella) Science class will hold the students and the teacher and have RoomPref set to ‘None’. The sub-classes will hold the different rooms, have no students, and have TeacherPref set to ‘None’.  The sub-classes will have different Course Codes, so that different room sets can be created, and different rooms applied. See: E10 - How to: Have one class with different lessons in different rooms ( practical versus theory )   

Q: Can you create two diverse types of sub-classes for one class? For example, can I use sub-classes for Technology Mandatory rotations and then also map two teachers at the same time to some of the sub-classes?
A: Yes, once you have created the Technology Mandatory sub-classes for each rotation by selecting 'Different things in different rotations' and the required number of rotations, via Manage sub-classes in Classes > Class data, you can hit Insert on your keyboard below the current rotational sub-classes, that will insert a space to enter a new Class Code for an additional sub-class, which can be linked to the relevant sub-class for a particular rotation requiring an additional teacher. This sub-class will indicate the required rotation, hold the additional teacher, have no students, and have RoomPref set to ‘None’. Refer to: E10 - How to: Manage classes with rotated topics ( e.g. Technology Mandatory )   

Q: In Teachers > Allowances, can you have more than one teacher allocated to an individual allowance? For instance: a Graduate teacher requires an allowance for one period, do you need to create an Allowance for each Graduate teacher or can you enter multiple teacher codes in the Teacher column for one Allowance code?
A: You would need to create a unique Allowance code for each Graduate teacher, since each individual Allowance code can only have one teacher assigned to it. Refer to: E10 - How to: Manage Teacher Loads and Allowances

Q: Our duty slots / periods carry a load of 0.5 compared to 1 teaching period. How can we count it as 0.5 periods toward teacher loads instead of 1 period as it currently does?
A: There is no feature in the Duty loads table that would allow you to enter the actual period load of a duty, e.g., 1(0.5), as in Class data where we can enter 1(0.5) in the #Per column for any class. To enable duty allocations to be counted in the calculation of teaching loads, go to Settings > Teachers and select "Duties count towards load". For loads to be calculated correctly, there is an important setting that needs to be enabled for viewing loads in periods. In Setup > School info, select the checkbox for 'Be aware of the actual length of each lesson - report a relative number of median periods', so that Edval calculates and displays duty loads with respect to the median length of teaching periods, as set up in the grid structure. Refer to: E10 - Create a Duty Roster and E10: Accounting for Duty allocations in teaching loads

Q: Looking at Teachers > Subject Teachers and All faculties it seems to have changed the Meeting codes in Edval 10 from Edval 9 by dropping the last letter (g) of the Meeting name (Meeting), so now the original Course code holds no teacher set and is labelled to be deleted and the teacher set is assigned to the new truncated Meeting code (Meetin). Do I fix this by adding a number at the end of the code for Edval 10?
A: Edval 10 creates individual sub-classes with the teacher codes as the class identifier for meetings with multiple teachers assigned. These sub-classes are not visible in the Class data screen, but will be visible on the relevant timetables, e.g., a meeting with the Meeting name 'Meeting' with teachers AKED and SSHD assigned, will be visible on the Year timetable of the Meetings year level as 'Meeting.AKED' and 'Meeting.SSHD'. However, in Edval 10, where we create a meeting with the Meeting name 'Meeting', with only one teacher assigned, it currently treats the last character (g) of the Meeting name 'Meeting' as the class identifier. A workaround is to put '.1' at the end of each Meeting name. Refer to: E10 - How to: Create meetings and Meetings behaviour in E10 post a shift from E9
A video recording of the webinar conducted on Monday 20 March 2023 where these frequently asked questions were asked and answered can be found here
The video includes information on checking your timetable health, looking at Helpful Tips, the Health Check, Setup > Subjects, Teacher data (F2), Teacher Allowances, Room data, Room areas, Subject teachers and Subject rooms.

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