Q: Once I defined the prerequisite rule for a course, where do I enter the threshold marks as a percentage for the students?
A: We can import student marks as percentages in Lines > Elective data > Students > Action bar: Import student marks for prerequisites. The data can be imported from a csv file as a list (one row per course) or as a table (one row per student). Refer to:
E10 - Choice: Setting Course Prerequisites
Q: If students are not selecting a full load, due to VET or other reasons, can you create a “subject” called VET for example, to prevent an error referring to the incorrect number of units upon submission?
A: It is possible to configure your form with a minimum requirement of 10 units and a maximum of 12. This will allow students who require 5, instead of 6 courses, to successfully submit their online form. VET courses can alternatively form part of the subject selection process to contribute to a student's overall course. They could be timetabled outside of the regular periods and can be entered as 'offline' subjects in
the Lines column in the Courses screen (Lines > Elective data > Courses). Your Choice form could be configured in Lines > Edval Choice > Configure forms, to display these VET courses with other subjects on offer in certain individual dropdowns or you could limit one or more dropdown to only display the VET courses. Refer to: E10 - Elective data > Courses and E10 - Choice: Configure Forms
Q: Is it possible omit the Parent / Carer Signature at the bottom of the submitted form - as we have a separate letter for them to sign and teachers are entering the subject preferences into Edval Choice?
A: You have the option to clear / delete the default html submission text in the 'Text upon submission' area when you configure your form
in Lines > Edval Choice > Configure forms, which will ensure that it doesn't appear on the submitted forms. The default html submission text in the 'Text upon submission' area can also be edited as required. Refer to: E10 - Choice: Basic html to use on forms and emails
Q: When testing using Peter Pan, does this data appear in submission history to test the full process?
A: No, the testing history for Peter Pan is not kept in the 'List of submitted forms' for a dataset. If you want to keep the testing submission history, you can create a dummy student with their own generated WebCode instead of using the Peter Pan test WebCode. Delete this dummy student after the testing phase. This will also delete their submitted preferences and forms.
Q: Is there an option for a student to answer Yes / No to a question regarding their intent to return in 2024? Can a rule be entered that will prevent students who answered 'No', from selecting and submitting subject preferences for 2024?
A: Text / sentences can be entered as 'subjects' in Lines > Elective data > Courses e.g., 'No, I will not return in 2024.' or 'Yes, I will return in 2024.' When you configure the form in
Lines > Edval Choice > Configure forms, a dropdown can be added, where you only allow these sentences to display. Although there is no rule that can be entered / triggered when a student selects 'No' that will prevent the student from selecting and submitting preferences, an additional 'subject' called "Not returning" with a Unit value equal to the minimum requirement of units for a full programme (e.g. 10) can be created in Lines > Elective data > Courses. An additional dropdown limited to this '10 unit subject' can be added when the form is configured in Lines > Edval Choice > Configure forms. The students who need to indicate that they will not return in 2024, can then select this '10 Unit subject' only and submit their form. This workaround will ensure that these non - returning students are excluded from all other elective subject classes. Refer to: E10 - Elective data > Courses and E10 - Choice: Configure Forms
Q: How would you show subjects like Extension Mathematics that may run offline?
A: Extension Mathematics,
timetabled outside of the regular periods can be entered as an 'offline' subject in Lines > Elective data > Courses by entering 'offline' in the Lines column. Refer to: E10 - Elective data > Courses
Q: Do the subject units have to be displayed or can you opt not show this to students?
A: No, it is not possible to hide the subject units from students during the online subject selection process.
Q: Is it possible to configure the Choice form to prevent a subject which has been selected in the first preference dropdown, from appearing in any of the following dropdowns?
A: The Choice form could be configured to display all the subjects on offer in individual dropdowns or may be limited to display specific subjects only, but when a subject is selected in the first dropdown it won't automatically be omitted from the following dropdowns. However, students will not be able to submit their subject selection form online if they have selected a subject more than once.
Q: When one of the students who was initially 'Booked' into a sport class (e.g. Golf), select and get assigned to another sport option, the first student who was placed on the waitlist for Golf will automatically get 'Booked' into the Golf class, while the form is still open. Will the student who moved from the waitlist and into the Golf class receive a confirmation email regarding the change?
A: No, when you select 'Send confirmation emails to: 'students' and/or 'administrator', the confirmation emails are only automatically emailed when a student submits their preferences online. Students who get "Booked' into a sport class for which they were waitlisted, due to another student moving out, will only be able to see their newly assigned sport class online if their preference granted gets uploaded from the .etz file to the Edval web server. Refer to:
E10 - Choice: Upload preferences from etz file to the webserver
Q: How do you show students that their subject selections have been granted?
A: Schools that use Edval Choice to manage their student subject selection will at some stage wish to communicate the subjects granted to students. T
his may be done in two ways: 1.) by email communication or 2) by displaying a screen to students when they sign in to the Edval web server. The school would firstly have collected student choices via Edval Choice. There after lines would have been generated, classes would have been created and the class list data would have been synced to the Edval web server. Students could then sign in to the Edval web server to see their subjects granted or a subjects granted document template could be created online and emailed to students, providing the student email addresses were in the .etz file that was synced. Refer to: Edval Choice: Communicate Subjects granted to students by email