Q: Is there a way to allow general classes in a specialist room (e.g. Maths in a Science prac room) based on the teacher taking the class? (e.g. Maths classes can be in a Science room if a Science teacher has the Maths class)?
A: Classes will only be auto-roomed into a Specialist Room if the room appears in the Room Set (Rooms > Subject rooms). You could also manually add (hard code) the Specialist room in the RoomPref column in Classes > Class Data once you know which class is being taught by the Science teacher, but we recommend this is done with caution.
Refer to: E10 - Rooms - Subject rooms
Q: How do you share a room with two classes being run at the same time i.e. two Homerooms are run at the same time in the one classroom but with two different teachers?
A: In Classes > Class data, link the second class to the first class in the Link column, enter the preferred teacher for the second class in the TeacherPref column, but enter None in the RoomPref column for the second class. This will pick up the room of the class it is linked to, but have a different teacher.
Q: Say a room is overfull and comes up with a warning in the Health Check - is it possible to acknowledge this so that it no longer is in the warnings list?
A: In Settings > Rooms, set the over-crowd rooms setting to maximum number you would allow your rooms to overflow by, it will then not show in the warnings list.
Q: In grid construction will preferred rooms show as clashes if insufficient or will it take into account fallbacks?
A: It will take all rooms listed in the subject rooms into account, and you can see if there are 'Classes with fallback rooms' when selecting 'See score details / problems' from the View area of the Master grid screen.
Q: Is there a way to auto room study classes? AND to have those carried through by term?
A: Yes, in Teachers > Study roster there is an option to auto room in the navy blue action bar on the right of the screen and you can do this for all rotations.
Q: Does the export feature list all rooms in the set for checking by others? eg Head of Faculty?
A: In Rooms > Subject rooms you are able to export the room sets to Excel per faculty or for all the faculties if 'All Faculties' is selected in the filter. You could also run the report in Reports > Exports > Faculty request form and select the option <populated>, this will list all the subject teachers and subject rooms for all courses by faculty.
Q: If changing anything on the master grid - does it always mean having to re-room that class?
A: Any movement of classes in the Master Grid (manual or 'Improve') will clear the room from that class. If you are swapping whole periods for the entire school you can use Swap roomed periods. Refer to: E10 - Swap roomed periods
Q: If a teacher wants to make one period out of the 4 a composite class between two separate classes in the one room what is the best way to do this without showing room or teacher clashes?
A: Unfortunately you are not able to make only one period of the the 4 sessions a composite class without a clash showing.
Q: Can you change the default for non-preferred classes to be "fallback" instead of "if desperate"?
A: All (G) General rooms in Rooms > Room data are considered fallback rooms.
Q: We have two wellbeing classes with one teacher in one room, how to I allocate this so it doesn’t clash. When I sync to Compass it leaves a free period. We don’t want students to go home?
A: In Classes > Class data, you can enter the preferred teacher and room in the TeacherPref and RoomPref columns for the first class, link the second class in the Link column to the first class and enter None for both TeacherPref and RoomPref for the second class.
A video recording of the webinar conducted on Thursday 27th April 2023 where these frequently asked questions were asked and answered can be found here.
The video includes information on Room data, Teacher/group rooms, Subject room sets, Mixed room requirement, Specialty (special needs) rooms, Room Areas, Room settings, Auto-rooming and Manual rooming/editing.