Q: How do we manage staggered Semester 2 changes, e.g. Year 9 and Year 10 start Semester 2 work in Term 2 Week 10, while Year 7 and Year 8 start Semester 2 work in Term 3 Week 1?
Q: Is there a way (similar to the 'status change' for students in Student data, where we flag a student as Active or Inactive) to indicate that teachers in Teacher data is 'not current' for Sem 2 and when they return to school, they could be reactivated, with the same load as before they went on leave?
There is no feature in Teacher data to interchange a teacher's status between Active and Inactive. In Student data, this feature allows us to mark students as Inactive, which removes them from the various class lists while keeping all the students' current classes listed (in grey) against their student number. If they return in the same year and their status is changed to Active again, they will be re-instated in these same classes. When a teacher is on leave for a semester, we require another teacher / other teachers to teach all the classes they were assigned to. We could make their MaxLoad '0' (zero) in Teacher data (F2) and manually assign their classes to another teacher / other teachers in Staff allocations (F4). Their original Maxload can be listed in the Notes column for future reference.
Q: I delete staff on leave so they don't appear in Daily, but it would be nice to be able to deactivate them for the duration of their leave.
As mentioned above, E10 does not allow a teacher's status to be changed from Active to Inactive or vice versa. We would enter a teacher's leave as an Absence in Daily for the required period / semester, which will flag them as Unavailable for any covers during that required period / semester.
Q: Can you set the overload as a negative, e.g. -1 allowing teachers to be 1 period 'underload' (for emergency supervision purposes)?
E10 does not consider the -1 entry in
Settings > Teachers in Staff Allocations (F4)
when assigning classes or in the Master grid (F11) during construction. You could decrease the Fulltime load per cycle with 1 period in Setup > School info, then after all classes have been assigned to staff and your timetable construction has been finalised, increase the Fulltime load per cycle with 1 period again. See: E10 - ADMIN Settings: Teachers
Q: What is the easiest way to update the class list from the Semester 1 file into the Semester 2 file with changes that have happened using EvalStaff?
The appointed staff would continue making student / subject changes throughout Semester 1 in EdvalStaff (registered to the Semester 1 Master file). After the last day of Semester 1, open the Semester 1 Master file, which will read all the changes made in EdvalStaff and save the file with all the changes. Open the Semester 2 file, go to File > Import from > Edval .etz file > Class lists > Select the Semester 1 Master file (from File Explorer) > Select all the year levels and hit OK to import all the class lists. Within seconds a message would pop up to confirm that all the classes from the Semester 1 Master file have successfully been imported into the updated Semester 2 file. Hit OK. E10 matches class lists on the student number and class codes. If any student numbers or class codes require changing, wait until after the class lists have been imported.
Q: When you import class list, does it change a student's status to Inactive if this change has happened between the semesters?
Yes, when the above mentioned steps have been taken, the student's status, which has been changed from Active to Inactive in EdvalStaff, will reflect accordingly in the Semester 2 file.
Q: Can you please explain how the class list import works for classes that are electives?
Throughout Semester 1, staff may continue to make changes for students who require Semester 2 elective subject swops in EdvalStaff (registered to the Semester 1 Master file). After the last day of Semester 1 when the Semester 1 Master file is opened and saved, these Semester 2 subject changes made in EdvalStaff will be read and saved. When you import class lists from the Semester 1 Master file into the Semester 2 file, E10 imports both Semester 1 and Semester 2 class lists, therefore considering class list changes in any rotation of the Semester 1 Master file.
Q: Do we register EdvalStaff to the Semester 2 timetable file?
Yes, after the l
ast day of Semester 1, when class lists have been imported from the Semester 1 Master, the Semester 2 file becomes the new Master file. Open the Semester 2 file, go to File > Synchronise > Register EdvalStaff > Select the EdvalStaff.exe and hit Ok to register the EdvalStaff application to the Semester 2 file. All changes made in EdvalStaff will now be read into the Semester 2 file upon opening and secured once saved. See: E10 - Register Edval Staff (for the current year)
Q: What's the best way to allocate rooms for Science classes? For example, for a 4 period class, I want 2 periods (Double) to be in Science Lab and the other 2 periods (NoDouble) in any general classroom.
Q: How do I access the Tes Timetabling Handbook?
Q: In Edval 9, we used to be able to view Class data (by Subject). Is this feature available in E10?
No, this view feature is not available in E10.