E10 - Preparing your file for next year - 23 May 2024

E10 - Preparing your file for next year - 23 May 2024


QWhen you 'freeze staffing', does it lock the staff to the year itself or to the year group? For example, Smith teaches 9A in 2024 so will teach 10A in 2025, as opposed to locking Smith to teach 9A in 2025.
Freeze staffing locks staffing to the year group and not the year level, which is why it must be used in conjunction with 'promote classes'. With relation to the example given, Smith will move up with 9A to teacher 10A in the following year.

QCan you rollover and promote only certain classes within a year group? For example, 200 hour electives only from Year 9 into Year 10.
All lined classes within a year level will be promoted when 'promote classes' is selected as part of your rollover. If you only want particular classes to be promoted, promote all classes within the year level then remove the allocations you do not wish to keep. This is best managed in Class List Manager; please refer to our knowledge base article E10: Class list Manager for more information.

Q: Does the current admin webcode for this year work for next year as well?
No, webcodes are unique to each calendar year. You will need to generate a new webcode for each new academic year. This can be done automatically from within your file by going to File > Rollover > Generate next years' webcode.

Q: Does the webcode allow you to timetable away from the server?
The webcode's purpose is to allow access to Timetable Daily and Choice. It is required to sync Choice forms and timetable data to the online webserver. If you do not need access to either of these modules, you do not require a webcode.

Q: Should I delete elective classes still showing in Classes > Class data after the rollover before we begin subject selection?
There is no need to delete remaining elective classes from Classes > Class data, as this data will be overwritten once new classes are created from your Line Generation process. Once new classes have been created, any remaining unreferenced classes can then be removed.

Q: Is it possible to run a two-week timetable?
Yes, your grid structure can be adjusted in Setup > Grid structure. Please see the knowledge base article E10 - ADMIN Setup: Grid Structure for more information.