When you 'Revert to saved file', does this still work if the system auto saves as you are working. Can you revert back to a previous file?Autosave saves to the Autobaks folder only, 'Revert to saved' file will give you the last 'manually saved' version of your file. If you open your
current working file, from your timetable folder and work in the .etz file between 9am and 9.30am, (where the Autosave interval is set to 10 minutes), it will Autosave 3 times, saving 3 versions of the current working file (with the changes up to each autosave time interval), to the Autobaks folder. If you have not manually saved your file to the timetable folder during that time and you decide at 9.30am to undo all the work done the past 30 minutes, you could 'Revert to saved file', which will re-open and restore the current working file from your timetable folder, as it was last saved before you opened it at 9am. Should you need to refer back to any of the updates made between 9am and 9.30am, you could refer to any one of the 3 autosaved versions of your file in the Autobaks folder. See - E10 - .etz Timetable File Save Options and E10 - File basics - Autobaks and MulitiUser
Q: Can you change periods for individual classes or single year swaps and not lose the rooming?
You can swap lessons / drag lessons onto different periods within a specific year level via
Classes > Year timetable or via
Grid > Swap Roomed periods, but it may cause teacher and/or room clashes with other classes in that year level as well as other year levels. To move a component sub-class independently of its parent in the Year timetable, use the shift key while dragging. See:
E10 - Swap roomed periods
Q: Can I do that room swap from a P1 to P7?
It is possible to ‘swap’ / change a room for a class in any timetable screen (Classes > Year / Group / School timetables; Rooms > Room timetables / Room master; Teachers > Timetables / Teacher master (by day) / Faculty timetables / Faculty master). To change the room hit 'R or Ctrl+R' on the keyboard, while in the relevant cell to show alternative rooming options. Note that the rooms in the subject room set are at the top and are in black, whilst the rest of the rooms are listed below and are greyed out. Click on the required room in the grey column to move that lesson. If the required room is not in the current room set, you will be prompted to add it to the subject room set as a preferred room or as an exception.
Q: Does typing N in the "Exportable" column still allow that information to be exported to the Edval Web Server? I have information that I would like to be available to the Daily Organiser, but that I don't want exported to our Synergetic database. Would 'N' in the 'Exportable' column work for this?
Classes created just for admin or timetabling purposes, marked as 'N' in the 'Exportable' column in Classes > Class data, will not be exported to the Edval Webserver / Daily and external third party systems, such as the school admin systems.
Q: Can you auto staff duties when you have split campus and Junior school vs Senior school?
Assign all teachers the campus t
hey are most likely to teach classes, in the 'Main campus' column in Teachers > Teacher data. In Teachers > Subject teachers > All faculties, sort by the 'Faculty' column and go to the 'Duties' faculty to enter preferred teachers for each of the listed Duties. Autostaff the Duty roster and manually adjust if required. See: E10 - Create a Duty Roster
Q: Similar to student mischievous/buddy pairs, is there a way to indicate that some students should not have particular teachers? E.g. not having a parent/relative that is a teacher at the school? ...or not having the same teacher for two HSC subjects?
The names of teachers and students who should not be together in the same class can also be e
ntered in the 'Mischievous pairs' table, selected via the 'Action bar' on the right of the 'Class list manager' screen and the names of teachers and students who should be in the same class can be entered in the 'Buddy pairs' table. We can however not use the 'Mischievous and Buddy pairs' feature to prevent the same teacher from teaching two HSC subjects. In this case we need enter the correct information in Teachers > Subject teachers and Class data > TeacherPrefs to ensure the desired outcome. See: E10 - Mischievous and Buddy Pairs and E10 - How to: Avoid one teacher being auto-assigned 'both' classes for a subject
Q: Is there a way to bulk print all the class lists for Monday Period 1?
This feature is not currently available.
Q: Is it possible to filter Staff allocations (F4) by campus? Mine is very unwieldy with all staff from both campus'. I have a multi-campus file, so would like to be able to filter by both faculty and campus (i.e. just see Senior School Maths).
Campus is currently not available as an option to filter Staff allocation data.
Q: It seems impossible to only print timetables for one campus without manually going through the full teacher list and ticking those from the campus I'm interested in. Is there a campus filter in the bulk print feature?
Currently there is no 'Sort staff by: Campus' option available in the Bulk Print > Teacher timetables feature.
Quick data entry using Ctrl+C and Ctrl+V - Copy (Ctrl+C) information from one data cell and holding Ctrl+V down will allow E10 to paste the information all the way down to the the bottom of a table.
Class data (F6): Using Split Class Id column - Enable 'Split Class code' from the 'View' menu so that the class identifier is displayed in a separate column. Edit as required. It is not recommended to leave as
separate columns for general use. See:
E10 - Class Data ( F6 ) overview Class data (F6): Using insert key to add new class - Place your cursor on the code below the class you want to duplicate and hit 'Insert' on your keyboard. Adjust the 'Code' and other column entries as required.
Class lists (Shift+F8): Copying class list from spreadsheet - Double click in the '#Stu' field in 'Class data' to open the 'Class lists table' for a particular class. Copy the Student number column and/or Surname, First name column from an Excel
spreadsheet and paste it in the 'Class lists table'. See:
E10 - Class lists Class list manager (F9): Select multiple students at once -
Hold down the 'Control key' and click on all the students you wish to select. If you accidentally click the wrong student, click again to un-select. To select a range of students, click on one end of the range, then hold down the 'Shift key' and click on the student at the other end of the range. To select the entire column, hit 'Ctrl+A'. If you click anywhere without Control or Shift, the selection will be cleared. When you move students, they are moved to the bottom of the column. Re-sort a column at any time by double-clicking on the column heading. See: E10 - Class list Manager Ctrl+F to search course, teacher, student - From any screen in the .etz file, hit 'Ctrl+F' and enter one or more characters in the search field to find a course, student or teacher.
Ctrl-X Export to Excel - Press 'Ctrl+X' in any screen to export the data to an Excel spreadsheet.
Zoom–in/out, vertical & horizontal fill - Adjust your display at the bottom right of each screen.
Favourites bar - On any screen, hit the '+' at the bottom left to add that particular screen to your list of favourite screens. You can then easily select any of your favourite screens from any other screen in the file.
F2,F4: Toggles to All faculties - Using F2 and F4 in the filter of the 'Teacher data' and 'Staff allocation' screens allows you to toggle between 'All faculties' and the previous faculty viewed.
Teacher timetables (F3) and other timetable views: change timetable layout - Select the 'Layout' menu at the top right of the screen to view your timetable in one, two, three, four or five sections.
T / Ctrl+T to change/assign a lesson to another teacher - In any timetable screen click on the lesson, hit 'T' or 'CTRL+T' on the keyboard, then click on the new teacher code in the selection window. Note that the teachers in the subject teacher set are at the top and the rest of the teachers are listed below. Also, note that the current teacher's load is displayed on the right. Click on the minus for that lesson to assign no teacher for that period.
R / Ctrl+R to change/assign room - In any timetable screen click on the lesson, hit 'R' or 'CTRL+R' on the keyboard, then click the new room. Click on the minus for that lesson to assign no room for that period.
Class data (F6): Exportable column - Enable 'Exportable' from the 'View' menu. Most classes are required to be exported to external sync systems. By default, the exportable field is blank, meaning the class will be exported. Where classes are contained in the .etz file for admin or timetabling purposes only, enter 'N' so that they will not be exported to other external systems. Note: This will also not export it to Daily. See: E10 - Class Data ( F6 ) overview Dashboard: Release Notes, Helpful Tips, link to KB and Get Help- From any screen hit 'Esc' on your keyboard or the Tes logo at the top left to return to the E10 Dashboard. You can access the Tes Support Portal to sign in and read any of the Knowledge Base documents by selecting the 'Knowledge Base' button at the bottom right of any screen. You are also able to raise a ticket from within the file via the 'Get Help' button at the bottom right of any screen.
Undo/Redo in any screen - At the top left of any screen, select the undo or redo button to undo or redo any action. The undo / redo buttons can also be pressed multiple times. A light blue message pop up will appear at the bottom of the screen with information regarding the redo / undo action.
Navigation tools: back, forward arrows - Use the left / right arrow on the left of any top menu to move between different screens.
Teachers > Flexible work: Right-click to highlight preferred days off - To specify / hard code 'known unavailable' periods / days, single-left-click to toggle on/off a period or drag to highlight multiple periods in black. To specify 'preferred unavailable' periods / days, single-right-click to toggle on/off a period or drag to highlight multiple periods in grey. E10 will try to keep teachers free during these preferred times, but has permission to ignore the request if it needs to.
Staff allocations (F4): Right click to unassign a class - Right click on any class and select 'Unassign' from the pop up to move the class to the 'Unassigned' area at the bottom of the Staff allocations table.
Class data (F6): View > Split teacher pref, Split Room Pref columns - This will be offered as an option if the 'TeacherPrefs' / 'RoomPrefs' column is selected to be displayed. Enable 'Split teacher prefs' / 'Split room prefs' from the 'View' menu. It splits the 'TeacherPref' / 'RoomPref' column into two new columns: 'TPref code' / 'RPref code' displays the teacher code / room code and 'TPrefRule' / 'RPrefRule' displays 'Only' and/or 'Evenly', if used.
Year timetables (F7): Shift-drag to move a sub-class - To move a component sub-class independently of its parent in the Year timetable, use the shift key while dragging.
File > Bulk print - File > Bulk print allows you to bulk print Teacher / Faculty / Student / Room / Year / Group / timetables; Faculty / Teacher / Room masters; Class lists; Student classes and Faculty staffing lists.