The following questions were raised during the Edval Daily webinar conducted on Wednesday the 8th of September 2021.
Q. With respect to the new feature for adding a replacement teacher upon absence creation, can you use a teacher who is underload?
A. Currently the functionality only works for casual teachers and for part-time casual teachers. We will look to include permanent teachers in a future enhancement.
Q. Are these new features only available on the web version of Edval Daily?
A. Yes, they are only available on the web version. As the desktop version is no longer supported, all future development will be in the web version only. We encourage all Daily desktop users to migrate to the web version as soon as possible. You can do this by emailing with the subject ‘Desktop Daily migration’. Exams
Q. Is there an easy way to duplicate exams for special provisions?
A. Currently the only option to duplicate an exam in the Exams tab is to copy the name of one exam, paste it in a new exam row and then change some of the text, as exams cannot have duplicate names. Unfortunately, there is no way to duplicate an exam block, but this is definitely something we will introduce in the near future.
Q. When changes are made in the timetable, the class list changes are not updated automatically in an existing exam block. Can this be fixed?
A. This is a limitation of the software currently, but we will address this in the near future. For now, when changes are made in the timetable, the exam module will update a student’s classes but not their exams. Therefore, a manual update is required in the student’s tab where students should be removed from exams for subjects they no longer study and should be added to the exam for new classes that appear in the list due to the timetable update.
Q. Is it possible to change the date of an exam block without having to regenerate the exam timetable?
A. Currently it is not possible to change the date of an exam block without the schedule being removed. It is recommended that if you do need to change the date, you first take a copy of the schedule in order to reproduce it manually when the exam block moves to another date. We will introduce the ability to clone exam blocks in the future and this will assist in circumstances where the exam block needs to move.
Q. How can I organise different sets of exams that are running at different times or periods of the day, for example, Y11 and Y10 exams are on the same day but have a range of different times?
A. The best option is to create two separate exam blocks. Exam blocks can have overlapping date ranges provided that the names of the exam blocks are unique and that the names of the exams in each block are unique. For example, you cannot have an English exam in each exam block simply called ‘English’. You would need to name them uniquely, such as 11 English and 10 English.
Q. How do I get exams to sync to Compass?
A. Edval Daily will send all exam information however this will not appear in Compass until the correct setting is enabled in Compass. To request this, please contact Compass.
Covers and the Daily Bulletin
Q. Is there a way to change the name of the cover types?
A. In the current system it is not possible to change the names of the cover types, including ‘Meadowbanks’ but we will most likely implement this in the new version of Daily. More details on this new version will be announced in the near future.
Q. Is there a way to email the Daily bulletin to different groups?
A. The emailing facility in Daily does not have the ability to create email groups, however, the Daily bulletin can be emailed to a selected faculty. If you would like to email the bulletin to a select group of people, they can be added to a faculty in the timetable and this faculty can then be selected when sending the Daily bulletin.
Q. Do room bookings appear on the Daily bulletin?
A. Room bookings that are associated with a class on the timetable will appear in the Room swaps tab on the home page and will appear on the Daily Bulletin in the Room swaps table. This includes room bookings made via Daily > Room bookings and those made via teacher or room timetables. Room bookings that do not have an associated class will not appear on the Daily bulletin but will appear on the Room Booking report.
Q. Can you only assign classes to event, not just selected students?
A. You can assign individual students to an event by creating a ‘registered event’. Firstly, select a group of students from the tree that includes the individual students you want to select. Then select the ‘Registered event’ tick box below the names of the students. This will enable the selection of individual students within that group of students.