Tes Exam Webinar March 2024
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: Where is the Statewide ID located?
A: The Statewide ID is located in etz. Statewide ID will appear for all region except WA as they have WASN instead.
Q: Would a 9am start time be 15 mins setup with a 9:15am actual exam start?
A: A 9am start time would include 15 minutes BEFORE the exam start time, so supervision would begin at 8:45am
Q: if the VM classes are included in your year level can you cancel only part of the year level?
A: You would need to edit the exam event after it is created to remove the VM classes. A exam cancellation event will automatically be created when the exam schedule is created - you can edit this in Daily under the 'Events' tab to exclude the VM classes from this cancellation event.
Q: In V-link - does the schedule put both exams in the same room?
A: It doesn't automatically assign them to the same room, but you can assign this in the 'Room' column manually.
Q: Is there a report l can run for just the clashes to be sent to other staff?
A: No
Q: Can you alter the number of people on set up or would you just leave them blank?
A: Yes you can alter the number of teachers in the setup but when you change it to 4 teachers those that are blank or are covering the supervision will be removed starting from the bottom of the exam supervision.
Q: Does the automatic scheduling take into account students' timetables and the subjects they take and give you a min. number of clashes?
A: Yes it does. The algorithm looks at all these possible scenarios to optimize and have the minimum class as possible.
Q: Is there a setting for allocating the same teacher for exam supervision when allocating in auto?
A: No it does not as the automatic allocates teachers that are available who had canceled classes for that period.
Q: Does the optimising work around the classes that are still running that students need to attend?
A: Yes when the exam is created a window will pop up telling you that the following vertically integrated classes have students not in this exam schedule and will give you a option to cancel those classes or have them running during the exam.
Q: Can you clone a exam schedule from one year to next?
A: No, each year is a separate dataset
Q: If you cloned the exam schedule would it update with the latest student enrolments?
A: Yes it will but you will need to go to the 'Student' section and click on the plus sign so that the student can be added to the exam
Q: Can you change the start time for 1 exam?
A: Yes you can alter the start time for 1 exam all you need to do is go to the exam event that was created after you created the Exam you then go to Daily>Event (find the exam event)>click on the pencil symbol to edit the event and then alter the From date to alter the time. Please read this knowledgebase document regarding Events Edval
Daily: Events Tab
Q: Can I update the Publish date in the Exam even instead of manually updating each exam in the Event tab?
A: Yes you can all you need to do is go to the Daily>Exams>edit the exam and in the Overview>Time section update the publish time and click Save.