This document will display the Interview screens from the family login perspective. Note that these screens may look slightly different on different devices as they are mobile responsive. This document is designed to provide information for a school's Interviews Administrator. Please feel free to use the information contained in this document to produce a document for the information of parents. It is also recommended that any existing document templates that may contain information relating to the original parent view, be updated to match this mobile responsive view. New document templates for sending invitations to parents for booking or timetabling mode events are now available. These are called Parent invite - Booking mode (Mobile Parent View) and Parent invite - Timetabling mode (Mobile Parent View).

short video is also included towards the end of this 'detailed and descriptive' document that can be viewed for a quick visual of the 'new view'
When first logging in to Timetable Interviews, four information screens will be displayed. These can be viewed or skipped.
Selecting 'Let's go' on the final screen will open the home page.
If 'Skip' is selected, the following confirmation message will be displayed. Selecting 'No' will disable the screens and they will not be shown again. Selecting 'Yes' will display the screens upon the next login.
Home screen
All events that the family is involved in will display on the home screen.
Edit User Details
By selecting the icon in the top right hand corner of the screen, parents can edit their details - Name, main email, secondary email and phone. The icon will only be visible if the Administrator has allowed this in the Interviews > Settings page. Once details have been entered or edited, selecting 'Submit' will save the changes.

Getting Help
When a parent requires assistance they can click on the Help icon (the question mark). When this is selected, a form will open enabling the parent to email the school's Interviews Administrator.
This icon will be displayed only if the Interviews Administrator has enabled this function and the parent has a valid email address in the system.
Logging out
To log out, select the exit icon in the bottom right hand corner of the screen.
Managing Children
Selecting an event on the home page will open the next screen where the children associated with the family will be displayed.
If the Administrator has provided a WebCode for each student, rather than one WebCode per family, the family can connect their children if desired.
If additional children, each with a unique webcode are to be connected with the same family, selecting 'Children' will open the following screen.
To add another child enter their unique 9-character webcode and select the plus button. A message will be displayed if the webcode is invalid.
If the webcode is valid, the child will be added to the family and displayed. To remove an additional child from the family, select the red minus button. To close the window, select 'Close'.
Select OK to move to the next page.
Event Tabs
Depending on which mode an event is set to, families will see a set of tabs when clicking on an event.
Timetabling Mode : Families can only enter their Availability and request to see Teachers initially.
Booking Mode: Families will be able to enter their Availability, request Teachers, and create a Schedule.
Families can enter their availability provided the Administrator has allowed them to do so via the 'Parent availability' setting in the Event Details page.
If there are multiple session dates, these will all display. By default, all sessions and times will be ticked.
When there are multiple sessions, one or more of these can be deselected if the family is not available.

When scheduling interviews, the preferred start time is an indication only of when the parent would like to start but it does not prevent interviews from being generated before this time. If parents are not available for part of a day, they should change the times in the 'Available times' section.
Note that families will not be able to select times if they do not adhere to the 'Minimum parent availability' setting in the Event Details page.
Once the required availability has been selected, click 'Submit' to move to the next tab - Teachers.
Attendance Mode for Hybrid Events
When the Interviews administrator has set up a hybrid event, an additional option will appear on the Availability tab for the parents to indicate their intended attendance mode, as shown below. This information will be visible on teacher's schedules so they will know to either meet the parents in person, meet them online or phone them.
The Teachers Tab
- In this tab, parents will be able to select teachers that they wish to see.
- Instructions are provided onscreen to guide families.
- Each child will appear in a separate accordion.

- Use the down arrow to expand the accordion to select teachers.
- If a teacher has flagged the student as a 'Priority' a message will be displayed upon opening the accordion for the relevant child. Clicking OK will open the window to select teachers.
- Using the hamburger icon, click or drag teachers up to the 'I want to see (priority order)' section to request interviews for those teachers.
- Using the hamburger icon, drag teachers up or down in the 'I want to see (priority order)' section to sort by preference order, the top being the highest priority.
- If the Interviews Administrator has allowed double length interviews, there will be a box below each teacher's name to select when a double length interview is required.
- Clicking on the hamburger icon for a teacher in this section will move them to the top of the list, except in the case where teachers have requested interviews, as these will always remain at the top.
- To select a teacher that does not teach the student, click on ' + Add teacher'. This will open a list of all teachers available for the event. Note that a reason must be added when selecting a teacher.

- When all required teachers have been added, click on 'Finish'.
- Note that an Administrator can set a limit of the number of Interviews a parent can book, thus the priority order is very important.
For timetabling mode events, the following page will be displayed after the 'Finish' button is selected. Note that the number of interviews requested by both the parent and teachers is displayed for each child.
If the event is in Timetabling mode, this is all a family can do at this stage, until the Administrator generates the schedule and changes the event to the Open to book status.
The Schedule Tab
This tab will be available for parents in a Booking mode event . It will also be available for a Timetabling mode event after the schedule is generated by the Administrator and the status of the event is 'Open to book'.
When booking mode is selected there is no pre-assigned meeting time for parents, please manually select the time or use the Auto-schedule function to automatically select the time.
Note that for online interviews events, the room information will be replaced by the online meeting link or ID and when the event is a hybrid event, both the room and the meeting link/ID will be displayed.

The first 'slot' is to set to the room as 'Parking' to allow parents some time to arrive, park and walk to the first interview
To make changes to the auto-generated schedule, click on an interview to move it to another time slot.
Information regarding teacher unavailability and walking gap violations will be displayed if the selected slot is affected by these.
Note that double length interviews can only be moved into a vacant double length timeslot. They cannot be swapped with other interviews.
Selecting the email icon will email the schedule. If a family does not have an email address in the system, a pop up will appear in which to enter a valid email address.
Important Point to Note
Once a schedule has been generated, any changes made in the Teacher tab may cause interviews to be deleted or changed. If changes are made, such as teachers added or removed from the 'I want to see' section, the schedule will be re-generated when the changes are submitted. It is important to re-email the schedule in this case to have the most up-to-date schedule.
VIDEO - New Mobile Responsive View
Please note; Some functionality in Timetable Daily has been updated, the video may not reflect all of these changes