Edval Daily: Absence Reasons

Edval Daily: Absence Reasons

Navigate to Daily > Settings > Absence reasons. This tab allows you to create new absence reasons, modify or delete existing reasons or merge official codes by the region selected in the timetable file. Once added or imported, reasons will roll over from one year to the next, however there may be the need to add new reasons or delete or edit existing reasons during the year.

Create a New Reason

 The option to create a new absence reason will be found in the top tight hand corner of the table labelled 'Add absence reason'

When selected, this will open the following window:


Enter the name and code of the required absence reason and select 'Save' or use 'Cancel' to close the window without saving. 

Edit an Existing Reason

To edit a reason, select the pencil icon at the end of the row of the required reason. This will open the following window where the Name and Code can be edited as required. 'Save' the update or use 'Cancel' to close the window without saving.

Delete an Existing Reason

To delete a reason, select the trash icon at the end of the row of the required reason. This will open a confirmation window.

Select 'Okay' to confirm the deletion or 'Cancel' to close the window without deleting the reason.

Setup Official Defaults

To import the default absence reasons for a specific region, as specified in the timetable etz file, select 'Setup official defaults'. This will open the following window. If unused existing codes are to be cleared, select the relevant tick box and then 'Save' to confirm the import or select 'Cancel' to close the window without importing.  For schools with a region of NSW please note that the official default absence codes for this region are the NSWDoE absence codes.


The Absence reasons defined in this section appear in the ‘Reason’ field drop down box of the ‘Create absence’ window.  
For information on creating absences, see this document: Edval Daily Absences Tab

It is advised to keep this list small, e.g. less than ten entries, and to use the 'Details' field of any absences to specify sub types of the reason. When running the Statistics report, you'll appreciate having kept this list small.

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