Q: How do I obtain my 2024 Webcode for Daily?
A: The Webcode would be the same as what you have used during subject selection for 2024 if you are also the timetabler/choice administrators, otherwise you can generate your 2024 Webcode via Timetable file if you already have your 2023 Webcode or contact us via get help option within the product.
Q: Do I have to sync my 2024 timetable file in order to rollover my Daily now, my 2024 timetable file is not complete yet.
A: Yes the rollover requirement in Daily is that the timetable must be synced to Daily first, you can go ahead sync your 2024 file even it is not completed yet. You can later sync it again once finalised.
Q: Can I rollover before the end of a semester or mid term?
A: Yes you can rollover when ever you want to as long as you have a 2024 etz file.
Date mapping and Other Setting
Q: Is there a way to change the credit cover for a period?
A: Yes you can change credit cover in Daily>Settings>Cover Credit, Please refer here for the knowledge base document. Edval Daily: Cover Credit User Management
Q: Can Inactive staff be deleted?
Q: In relation to the users and deleting them, does the historical data only relate to the current year or past years also?
A: It will only relate to the the current year data
Q: How can a part time teacher be marked as casual during the non timetabled days?
A: In Admin>Users>edit the user there is a Option called 'Part-time casual'. Please refer here for the knowledge base document regarding Part time teachers. - Users: Creating Casual and Admin Staff Managing Teacher shortages
Q: Can Merge classes and Split classes sync to Compass?
A: No because both merge classes and split classes create a event which Compass does not support. The only Events that Compass support is Exam and Cancellation events.
Q: How many classes can be merged?
A: 2.
Q: How do you set the number of seats in a room?
A: In the etz file>Rooms>Room data>Size.
Q: Do we create casual teachers in etz file?
A: No please make sure that any Support staff (like Admin, IT etc...) and Casual teachers are created in Daily and not etz.
Syncing your data to Daily and other 3rd party systems
Q: Why is the Edval Webserver sync is greyed out?
Q: Can Edval sync covers to Edumate?
A: Edumate had it in their development pipeline to support daily data but unsure about the progress update, but from our end there is no problem and the integration is already ready to be used by Edumate.
Q: Can we sync the data to google - classes
A: No as we don't have a bespoke integration for that.